3M Matic CSM 800asb

  • Specially designed for the handling and sealing of small boxes
  • Seals up to 28 cases per minute for fast production
  • Case taper manually adjusts height and width to handle multiple box sizes
  • Built with 3M™AccuGlide™ II for an improved seal during processing



  • Specially designed for the handling and sealing of small boxes
  • Seals up to 28 cases per minute for fast production
  • Case taper manually adjusts height and width to handle multiple box sizes
  • Built with 3M™AccuGlide™ II for an improved seal during processing
  • Side belt drive capable of managing narrow profile boxes
  • 16-gauge welded steel frame provides a rugged and durable construction
  • For use with 1.5 inch / 36 mm wide Scotch® Box Sealing Tape
  • Twin gear motor drives for shift after shift dependability with cases up to 85 pounds / 38 kg


3M-Matic™ Case Sealer 800asb is an adjustable, side belt case sealer designed for handling and sealing small boxes. This case sealer can seal up to 28 cases per minute, offering fast productivity. We’ve engineered this case sealer with a case taper that manually adjusts for multiple box sizes and a side belt drive for handling narrow profile boxes.

This model easily handles small cases at a rate of 30 per minute.

Seals Small Boxes Quickly and Consistently
Made for sealing small boxes, 3M-Matic™ Case Sealer 800asb is an adjustable, side belt drive case sealer capable of sealing up to 28 cases per minute. This case sealer model gives you all of the features of the 3M-Matic™ Case Sealer 800a, but easily handles cases as small as 6 inches / 150 mm long by 3.9 inches / 100 mm wide and 2.75 inches / 70 mm high. We engineered this box sealer to seal cases quickly and efficiently. Built with a consistent and durable case taper, this side belt case sealer manually adjusts to handle varying box sizes. We designed our Case Sealer 800asb with 3M™AccuGlide™ II to offer an improved seal during processing.

Recommended Applications
3M-Matic™ Case Sealer 800asb can be used within many markets, such as:

  • Food and beverage
  • Medical devices
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Electronics
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing and distribution centers

Durable and Stable Box Sealer
3M-Matic™ Case Sealer 800asb comes with a side belt drive that manages narrow profile boxes. Its 16-gauge welded steel frame construction and powder coat paint finish provide rugged durability. In addition, this carton sealer is constructed with dual masts for taping head stability and a centrally located emergency stop that can be accessed quickly and easily.

Stay in Step with Production Demands
For productivity that comes with quick height and width adjustments, our 3M-Matic™ Case Sealer 800asb seals small cases reliably and accurately. Keep up with the demands of the industry with a case sealer that manually adjusts to handle multiple box sizes and provides the efficiency necessary to maintain optimal packaging productivity.




3m 800asb